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Langdon Evans

6th Generation Family Member
Laird Norton Company
Langdon is an adviser to family offices, family business, and family owners, helping them recognize their legacy and plan for their future. He has experience with families at all stages and generations, and has a passion for family engagement, next generation training and family communication, balanced by an understanding of the business and estate planning requirements of a complex family system. His specific areas of focus include: continuity planning, business/family governance, family office creation and diagnostics, technology, and risk analysis. Langdon also wears a family member hat as a 6th generation member of a 165 year old lumber family based in Seattle Washington. Having worked with his own family business on improving communication to the shareholders and with internal governance structures, he brings his direct experience to other families. Currently Langdon is a manager in PwC’s Family Enterprise Advisory Services group, part of a national practice serving family owned businesses. He is an advisory member of the Austin Family Business Institute program as Oregon State University and a proud Dad of a new baby girl.


Main Stage Closing Panel: Driving Diversity, Inclusion in the Family Business Speaker

Family businesses have a reputation for being insular. But in today’s environment, the public is growing increasingly skeptical of companies that have not made progress in diversity, inclusion and equality. Panelists will discuss strategies for opening the conversation within the family ownership group, and for making progress in this area within the business.

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